Habit . ual
What are the stories we tell ourselves?
What are the things we consider so easy to do that we hardly give them a second thought?
What are the things we label ‘hard’ to do?
Brushing my teeth, having a shower, taking my dog for walks, kissing my children goodnight … these are behaviours that I do not consciously think about; they are part of my normal way of being. I don’t debate whether I will brush my teeth. No, I just do it. Walking my dog? It is not open for discussion. It just needs to happen. I can tweak the length of his walk and the frequency but there is never a negotiation - ‘We’ll walk three times today and skip a day’!
Yet there are other behaviours that I haven’t quite integrated: exercising everyday, going to sleep at a reasonable time, making the best food choices for me ….
What are the differences between the ‘easy’ ones and the ‘hard’ ones?
I’m beginning to realise that the stories I tell myself, my own experiences and emotional triggers influence my perceptions - and it is these perceptions that I need to work on.
It is not simply that I am choosing this over that. Why am I? What is behind that choice? What is the intrinsic belief I hold that is influencing my decision? By unravelling my unconscious reasons I may then be able to move the ‘hard to do’ habits into the ‘easy’ category.