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Hi! I’m Rosina.

Welcome to my blog. I hope that you find some encouragement and inspiration as I try to put my creativity ahead of my fears while dipping my ‘pen’ into the vast World Wide Web with my own Wanderings, Writings and Wonderings (w.w.w!). Enjoy.

Stress . Less

Stress . Less

I began this writing challenge to push myself out of my comfort zone. 

There have been days in which it has felt easier or I have been more inspired to write. There have also been many others that have felt just shy of tortuous. I wondered the other day whether it was better to only write when I felt inspired to do so.

The funny thing is that after those musings - where I didn’t really reach a conclusion; I found myself standing in the shower this morning, thinking as I do - watching thoughts flit passed when I was struck ‘Oh No! I hadn’t posted anything yesterday!’

It had completely slipped my mind. Why? How? I don’t know. (My only thought is that I had linked yesterday and the day before as both were anniversaries - but I don’t have a real excuse. I’m not sure why I lapsed.)

Normally, I would be pretty hard on myself; feel that I had let myself down; had not done what I said I would. But this morning I stopped the ramble and asked myself some questions:

What do I do now?

How do I regroup?

Does this mean that I give up?


So then what?

Do I write a blog once a week, twice?

How often?

Do I write when I’m randomly struck by something?

Or, as I’ve wondered before, do I actively look for inspiration?

There have been many times when I have written something which I have thought was unsatisfactory but posted because I simply ‘had to’.

Is that worth it?

Does that create stress for me?

Does that help or hinder me as a writer?

I don’t have answers yet. (Will I ever?)

But for now, I’ll keep going and maybe (hopefully) I’ll work it out as I go along.

Let . Go

Let . Go

Not . Forgotten

Not . Forgotten