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Hi! I’m Rosina.

Welcome to my blog. I hope that you find some encouragement and inspiration as I try to put my creativity ahead of my fears while dipping my ‘pen’ into the vast World Wide Web with my own Wanderings, Writings and Wonderings (w.w.w!). Enjoy.

Fully . Aware

Fully . Aware

I’m fascinated by my perceptions and awareness when I rewatch a movie or show. As I watch, knowing what is to come - each word, each interaction, each glance by the characters are now imbued with a significance that they may not have had upon the first viewing. Everything somehow pulsates with significance and meaning.

And it makes me think about my life. What has happened today that I may not have given proper attention? What interaction did I have that may have been the beginning of a new and lasting connection? What opportunity did I ignore? What way did I play small - denying my own potential?

If we could look back on our lives, see it all play out before us; would we chose differently? Would I speak differently, love differently, work differently, chose differently?

In many ways it is being fully aware; making conscious choices throughout my days.

It is aligning with my values and goals.

It is being true to myself, whatever that is for me at this point in time.

It is acknowledging that each day is a gift, precious and not repeated.

It is understanding that time passes, and with it my time on this earth.

It is living from a place of awareness and gratitude. 

It is not settling.

It is expecting more from myself than being a bit player in a groundhog day movie.

It is to wake up and go to sleep feeling blessed for another day.

It is to be and feel fully alive.

Would I go to see the movie of my life?



Autumn . Leaves

Autumn . Leaves