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Hi! I’m Rosina.

Welcome to my blog. I hope that you find some encouragement and inspiration as I try to put my creativity ahead of my fears while dipping my ‘pen’ into the vast World Wide Web with my own Wanderings, Writings and Wonderings (w.w.w!). Enjoy.

Thank . You

Thank . You

When I began this month-long writing challenge it opened up before me like an abyss.

Prior to starting, I had spent a ridiculous amount of time and energy convincing myself that I couldn’t possibly post anything on-line.

My reasons were many and all seemed valid to me:

  • I didn’t have any experience writing a blog.

  • I had nothing of value to contribute.

  • There were so many more competent and valued writers ‘out there’.

  • I had waited too long to start.

  • Who did I think I was?

To actually get to the point where I could put myself ‘out there’ and continue to write became possible because I received the unwavering support and love from a small group of family and friends. 

During this experience John Donne’s quote, ‘No man is an island’ often crossed my mind. It was these people who truly encouraged me to start and helped me to ‘keep going’.

Thank you to:

My husband Peter - who always believes in me and encourages me to do anything in my heart.

Mich who unfailingly reads every blog and tells me my writing is great.

Vin who believes in me and my competence as a writer.

Francesca who lovingly encourages every step of my creative journey.

Giselle who believes in me and praises even my smallest of efforts.

Nina whose loving support I have been blessed with for three decades and who tells me that she has always loved my writing.

Dana who encourages me to do what I need to do.

Alyssa who lets me know that whatever I do is okay.

Marita Marcolongo (my life coach and friend from 360˚Solution) who has given me invaluable support and has shown incredible patience as I have slowly integrated her teachings and wisdom.

Andrew Jobling my book writing mentor who has been patiently encouraging me to get myself ‘out there’.

Finding . My . Self

Finding . My . Self

Take . Two

Take . Two