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Hi! I’m Rosina.

Welcome to my blog. I hope that you find some encouragement and inspiration as I try to put my creativity ahead of my fears while dipping my ‘pen’ into the vast World Wide Web with my own Wanderings, Writings and Wonderings (w.w.w!). Enjoy.

Hello . Resistance

Hello . Resistance

Does Resistance sometimes dress up as ‘Tiredness’?

This whole challenge has been to firmly ignore Resistance and focus on writing (and posting) every day for a month. I have been turning up and writing - but sometimes the flow is not there (like now) and a few words seem to take forever. 

I have been learning to ignore my perfectionist tendencies (Resistance again!) - otherwise I wouldn’t post at all!

Just when I think I might have an idea what I am doing - bam! Stuck. Frozen. Paralysed. Swallowed by quicksand. Agony.

But even pain can teach us something.

I have learnt that I write better when I have some headspace - when I have the luxury to be in nature, walk along my beach, traipse up a mountain, have some quiet, alone time. I need time for my thoughts to percolate .. for ideas to show themselves.

Really, I shouldn’t be surprised or frustrated that my writing lacks inspiration today. Wasn’t I the one who ran around most of the day doing things for other people? Wasn’t I the one who didn’t take time to go for a walk to have some quiet, me time?

Yes, it is a lesson that I keep being reminded of - will I remember it in the morning? Tomorrow, I will take some quiet time and I will make time to write earlier in the day.

If I don’t respect the inspiration of the Muse enough to provide the right setting and commit to doing the work, what can I expect?

Good . Enough

Good . Enough

Carpe . Diem

Carpe . Diem