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Hi! I’m Rosina.

Welcome to my blog. I hope that you find some encouragement and inspiration as I try to put my creativity ahead of my fears while dipping my ‘pen’ into the vast World Wide Web with my own Wanderings, Writings and Wonderings (w.w.w!). Enjoy.

Fully . Awake

Fully . Awake

It s so easy to get stuck in our ways, to go through our daily lives without really ‘being aware’, almost like being on a conveyor belt. It’s as if we signed up for this thing called ‘Life’ but then absolved ourselves from responsibilities and decision making by simply following the same old routine, the same old expectations, the same old paths. It’s like living without consciousness.

How often have you driven your car to a regular destination only to find that you are half way there before you have become aware of your location?

When I was eleven I was fitted with a pair of prescription glasses for the first time. These were to help with my short-sightedness. I couldn’t believe what the world looked like with them on: the colours seemed more vibrant, the faces of people so detailed. It was like seeing things for the first time. It was beautiful. To me it was magical.

To be present and in the moment is to capture that wonder, gratitude and delight that I experienced when I was eleven.

It is to truly ‘see’ my husband or child when they tell me they love me.

It is to take extra time to stroke my dog because he is loving it so much and I don’t need to rush off to put the washing on.

It is to savour the food that is in my mouth. 

It is to love the warmth of the sun on my face and a gentle cooling breeze through my hair. 

It is to feel the music I hear.

All we have is this moment. By trying to make the best of this moment and each moment that follows, we have the possibility of creating a life that is enriching and fulfilling for us - whatever that is for each one of us.

Life really is filled with precious moments. The trick to making the most of it is to not be ‘asleep’ during our awake moments.

Take . Two

Take . Two

Music . Lessons

Music . Lessons